Monday, January 20, 2014

TRIGGER and SPOILER ALERT...... I was suppose to be someone else

************TRIGGER WARNING*****************

I was suppose to be someone else, I am sure of it. When I was born, I was on a trajectory for something good, maybe not great, but at least good. The suit of skin I was suppose to wear was poised and prepared specifically for me. And so I started down that road toward that good person with goodness in their future, I set out as confident and ready for whatever was about to come at me. But just as a pebble on the train tracks can derail a large train, at age five I was thrust into a different direction and I wasn’t able to find my way back to the good path. My suit of skin sat in the window dressing waiting for me but after many years it slowly decayed and faded. And who I was suppose to be no longer mattered until I remembered I was suppose to be someone else. 

It’s cruel to do that to anyone, to do that to a child. To do that to a living a thing is like the Dementors and their kiss. You will remain alive but there is almost no point, not missing the soul of the person you were meant to be. Getting knocked to your knees, getting the air pushed out of you, lying still in a curled ball on the ground almost makes you wish ... Almost.... Death would have taken you long ago. 

I often say I wouldn’t change a day because I like who I am now. 

Very few people know this about me, this is something I don’t share very often, it’s a burden I have always felt I should carry alone because the weight of it is enough to drag anyone to their knees. But my legs are strong by now, I have carried this with me so long now that if I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t know how to walk, or be. 

I often think about moving to another country, to be far away from here because no matter where I am in the states, my family will find me. But they are also dumb, and I don’t mean that fully as a hurtful statement, they are dumb. They never finished school nor have they tried to better themselves. They are stagnant in their ignorant revery and they don’t ever wish to change. They wouldn’t understand how to fill out the passport application nor would they put forth that kind of energy. Being that far from them would maybe, maybe, maybe give me the leg up, to become someone else that is closer to who I was suppose to be. Who they were suppose to be was ripped from them at a very young age. When people talk about cycles, that is exactly what it is, a cycle from one person to the next who will never be who they were suppose to be. 

So, here I am, memories pounding my mind like hail on a tin roof, just trying to hold myself together with two tired arms and hoping the onslaught ends soon. And hating my parents for taking away the person I was suppose to be.


  1. Oh Tomi, I am SO SORRY for your loss, words don't really cut it.

    You have so much pain that needs to be healed. Do you think these memories are a sign that you and your system are at a point where you can start dealing with these issues?

    I deliberately didn't use the word, ready, because I don't think any of us every feel ready to go back into battle. To metaphorically return to the place of our grief and feel it. So maybe you don't feel ready, or even willing in some ways, but a part of you is. There may be a place of inner strength that recognizes now is the time to look back and tackle everything, to go back and win.

    Again, I am so sorry for you and for your brother. I am sure he was an amazing little boy. Be mindful to be gentle with yourself as these memories come, and reach out if it gets too much.

    Always in my thoughts,my friend, Kerri and system

    1. Thank you Kerri. It was so startling and I think you are right, with these two instances occurring so close together, I think what I have been holding back for so long is finally surfacing. I just have to be ready, no matter if I am or not.

      The mind is such an amazing tool, I will always say that. It holds everything, and it does everything. It controls every aspect of our biological function and it also controls our emotions, dreams, and memories. It will protect itself from pain even if that means pure denial. It fascinates me to no end.

      I hope you are doing well, my friend,

  2. Tomi, I am so very sorry that happened to you and your brother. As I read your post tears kept flowing. I have no experience of abuse but my mother does and growing up with her was mostly learning what a flashback looks like when it is happening to the ones you love. It is truly heartbreaking. It can be a certain cologne, a phrase, a movie, or a loud sound. Flashbacks are never really broadcast before they happen, they just do and wham! Your in one fighting like hell to get out.Don't worry I don't think anyone blames Melissa. She couldn't have known and that is something you have to learn, dealing with loved ones with flashbacks. It is sad I just had to say that, but it is a learned thing. I had to learn it and in some small way her not having to is a testament to the good childhood she had. It means she didn't have to live the hell you did or my mother did. My heart breaks for you....I can not even imagine, but seeing the pain in my mother's eyes gives me an idea of just how horrible that life can be when you are abused. I am here for you Tomi as I know your many friends are as well. I don't know how you feel about praying but if it would be okay with you, I would like to pray for you and the healing of your pain and for your amazing strength. I agree that they took away who you were supposed to be but I also believe you are now untouchable by them. You are the phoenix that has risen from the ashes my friend. You are strength and compassion, and everything they tried to stamp out of you. You are brave, fearless, and amazingly resilient. You are truly inspiring not only just because of the hell you survived but also because of the courageous magnificent person you have become. You are a survivor. I hope that this anxiety and flashback calms down and that you are able to breathe fully again soon. I am keeping you in my thoughts and I am sending all of the positive thoughts I can muster straight to you. Take care of yourself.

    1. I am so sorry to hear your mom went through such horrible things. My heart truly goes out to her. And thank you for your wonderful words. I am not a religious person but I understand and respect that others are, and yes, it would be ok if you prayed for me, that is a lovely gesture.

      I feel so exhausted lately. I think is the real reason these memories are surfacing but what I don't understand is why the memories of him. I thought I had dealt with the memories twenty years ago but perhaps I didn't deal with the whole picture. Somethings are still surfacing, sounds, smells, sensations. It's one more step forward.

      Thank you again and I truly appreciate everything you said, and please tell your mom I am rooting for her.

      Your friend,
