Sunday, January 22, 2012

Niacin over Magnesium

At one time, I was taking 3,000 mg of Niacin and 3,000 mg of Magnesium; 1,500 of each in the morning and 1,500 at bedtime. As the months wore on I noticed my depression was slowly fading away and I began to get more active. We ran into some money issues and I couldn't get Niacin for three weeks. My mood slowly started to go down to the point where I started withdrawing again. I didn't stop or change the Magnesium at all. This led me to think that taking the Magnesium wasn't doing anything to contribute to my better mood.

Throughout December and into January I missed my Niacin and my mood suffered for it greatly. Though I was still taking the Magnesium, my mood still went down hill. On or around the 11th of January I started taking the Niacin again and within a few days my mood started to climb again. I dropped the amount of Magnesium down to 800 mg; 400mg in the morning and 400mg at night. I was taking my regular dosage of Niacin at 3,000mg per day and I noticed that my mood did go up once I started taking the Niacin again but plateaued. I could get out of bed and make some coffee but general housework didn't get done. I then thought, well, perhaps the Niacin at 3,000mg and Magnesium at 1,200mg per day would be the right dosage. That is the regiment I am on now. I have noticed an incline to my mood and have started keeping house again though I tire easily. I am going to add another 400mg to my Magnesium regiment and see how that goes over the next three weeks.

For the anxiety: I have yet to find anything that works for the anxiety. I am at a loss. As long as the anxiety persists I am housebound and that is very nonproductive. I am eager to get back to work but as long as the anxiety persists, I just don't see how that will change. I take Valerian Root 2250mg Gandgamma-Aminobutyric Acid 1590mg and I take both of those at night. I have noticed some calming from taking that combo and it helps me sleep at least 6 hours a night without interruption. But I really want to find something that will alleviate the anxiety to the point where I can leave the house and get back to work. My search continues.


  1. try adding inositol for the anxiety. works wonders

  2. For anxiety, 20 grams of vitamin c has worked for me. I was like new-born, and get excited never for anything. After finishing the vitamin c bottle, I started flushing niacin flush. At first days it seemd to help a bit, but bow I again started to get tired easily again , so I don't know what to do...
