Tuesday, May 13, 2014


When I started this blog some time ago, I really truly believed I could manage my anxiety with vitamins. I was successful in managing my depression with Niacin and have for a couple of years. But for the life of me, I could never find a vitamin to control my anxiety, nor more importantly, my agoraphobia. So, out of options I made the very difficult decision to go back on medication.

As a lot of people with Mental Illness knows, taking medication is a pain in the ass! Not just the process of having to remember to take said pill/pills at regular intervals but also having to deal with the side effects, that at times, feels like someone is pulling your belly button out through your nostril.

I was on Buspar for three months. Every single day, three times a day, I felt like I was going to puke my soul out. I never adjusted to the Buspar. My psychiatrist then put me Pristiq, 50mg once a day. The ONLY side effect I have noticed with this medication is the lack of appetite. When I say lack, I mean zero appetite. I have lost so much weight (which is anxiety inducing on it's own, but that's for another blog) that the tattoo I have on my left wrist has shifted. But the anxiety was still there. So, she added Lamotrigine (Lamictal), 50mg once a day for two weeks and then 100mg once a day thereafter.

Saturday was the first day I actually felt something was different. By then, I had been on the combination Pristiq/Lamotrigine (Lamictal) cocktail for about four days. I spent 8 hours in the backyard working on rebuilding my fascia on my house. 8 hours. Outside of my house. I did not notice the anxiety. I didn't think about the fact that I was outside. I thought it was maybe a fluke because 1. it was a project that needs to get done, and 2. Melissa was with me the whole time. Then Monday rolls around and I have to go to therapy. I drop Melissa off at work and head to my appointment. I feel a titch anxious but not like normal. I come home after my appointment and take a nap. I leave the house once again to go get Melissa from work, this time I feel a bit more anxious but still not like usual.

Then yesterday and today I am still doing some work on the house and I am outside. The anxiety is there but a LOT less than usual. I really do think the combination of Pristiq and Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is actually doing something. I think this is the combination I have waited for for so many years. I have been on: Depakote, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Gabapentin (which caused me to gain 45 pounds in a month and nearly cut off my breathing), Lexapro,Xanax, Buspar. The Xanax works but I don't like taking it, so I until recently recently, I only took it when I had to leave my house. I haven't taken it today. Even though I am working outside today and probably will for a few hours, I haven't felt a need to take it.

As much as I hate it, I think I am benefiting from the medication. I am also skeptical because it is still new to me and I have only taken it for a short time. We shall see in a few months once my system has had prime opportunity to adjust to it fully. But still, I can't help but get a bit excited by the early results.


  1. When you find something that works, run with it! I wish I could find that magic combo. Eating low carb diet and taking some supplements is the best I have found for myself. I did great on pristiq too except I got tremors and ticks from it. Mentally I felt so much better but I couldn't get cereal to mouth without spilling milk all over me. Lol. So I decided to stop it.

    Don't get down on yourself for having to use meds. Once you have done some more processing in therapy and are more stabilized you might find that you have the coping skills to go without.

    Glad you've been able to get out and get some fresh air. That's good for your mood too. ☺

    1. I keep telling myself to just be patient, this is not an exact science and everything takes time. Thank you for the encouraging words, it helps a lot.

  2. I am glad you are feeling better, I have taken many antidepressants also through the years, I am on lamictal for bipolar ii, I believe it's helping, but have to give it more time, i take klonopin FOR anxiety..I do hope one day I can throw them all away. Good luck to you.

    1. I wish you all the luck as well! This is a tiring process and there are times when I become discouraged, but I know it will all come together, it just takes time and work. One day, one day we will be able to throw them all away and walk outside unafraid.
